
Bill Martin is Lead Director of Bill Martin & Associates.

Over his professional career he has built relationships with leaders of the highest character. They have collaborated over the past thirty years to generate expertise, tools, processes and skills that support business, education, and elite sport to use the rich, contextual knowledge within the organizations to build sustained success.

Bill’s background is in education, both in public education and in universities. In 2001 he was Visiting Professor of Educational Leadership and Co-Director of the Center for Reform in Education at the University of Toledo. On two occasions he led large schools in economically and culturally diverse communities to win State and National Blue-Ribbon awards for excellence. The impressive positive effects on staff, students, parents and local communities have been well documented and internationally recognized. Bill has earned personal awards for educational leadership: in 1991 he was one of five finalists in the first National Secondary Principal of the Year competition sponsored by the NASSP and Metropolitan Life. In 1993 he was named one of ten Principals of Leadership by the National School Safety Center. In 2000 the Michigan State Legislature proclaimed a Special Tribute to Bill’s leadership as principal of Monroe High School.

He is co-author of the book “Schools That Deliver” (Corwin 2016).

The business, Bill Martin & Associates, was born in 2005. Bill’s legacy of leadership success earned global recognition. Over the past 20 years Bill has been invited to work in 13 countries.

He is a sought-after consultant, executive coach and presenter in education, business and elite sport. Bill has worked across a range of sectors, including education, business, health, juvenile justice, non-profit organizations and elite sport. These include 174 schools across six countries, many businesses and elite sports organizations: Fisher & Paykel, Intec, South Australia Regional Health, Eldercare, Kangaroo Island Health Services, Web Drive, Oldfield’s Road Company, TR Group, High Performance Coaching Consultants of New Zealand, Sport New Zealand and the West Coast Eagles and Essendon Bombers Australian Rules Football teams.

He has presented invited addresses at International Conferences on Thinking in New Zealand, the U.K., USA, Australia, Sweden, Spain and Malaysia. He was also a keynote presenter at the International Conference on Ignorance. Bill has served on a United Nations team to make recommendations for the reform of secondary education in Kuwait. He has designed and facilitated long-term professional development programs to grow leadership capacity for the Tonsberg Kommune in Norway, and the Varberg and Kungsbacka Kommunes in Sweden.